For those who don’t know, feral cats live in the streets. These cats are overpopulated and can be a nuisance. Getting to know a cat’s needs and taking great care of it can help your cat to have a fantastic life.
You need to take your pet to the vet on a regular basis. In addition to checking the health of your cat, a vet can give him any needed shots. Try keeping the same vet throughout your cat’s life. That way, the doctor will be familiar with the history of your cat.
Cats enjoy getting into small spaces. They can get caught or stuck if they happen to be wearing a collar. A breakaway collar has the ability to release its hold if the cat pulls tightly on it. This can save all “nine” of your cat’s lives.
Have your cat see a vet frequently to keep good health. Your cat should have a health check yearly, but should go in more if your cat needs shots. Cats need to be seen by a vet right away if there are injuries or health problems that don’t go away.
Never let a cat become bored. Just like dogs, cats need playtime and physical exercise, too. Many owners just don’t have time. A lack of stimulation can lead to psychological or medical problems for your cat, including depression, compulsive disorders, and chronic misbehavior. Provide your cats with the toys and space it needs. If they’re an indoor cat, get them an object to climb on or a scratching post.
Litter Box
Location is key when placing a litter box. Do not place it in a busy area or close to where your cat eats meals. To help control odors place the litter box in a well ventilated area. Not only will your cat appreciate it but you will too.
Prevent crystals from forming in the urine of male cats with the right diet. Passing such crystals is a painful experience for your cat, and your wallet isn’t going to enjoy the vet bill. Feed your cat food that is low in magnesium. Be sure to read the ingredient label. Cat food with lots of fish tends to have more magnesium, while products with lots of poultry tend to have less.
Cats are great family pets, but small children might be too rough. Spend time instructing your children on cat care. Teach them what are appropriate activities and how to gently touch it. Cats have weaker bones than dogs and need more gentle treatment.
There needs to be set boundaries with your children and a new kitty. Make sure your children know where in the house the cat is permitted to be. Make sure that your children know if the cat is strictly an indoor cat. Establishing these boundaries ahead of time prevents any confusion.
You should try your hardest to figure out the reason that you are hearing your cat meow. If you stay around a cat for a period of time you will figure out what their verbal cues mean. She may be hungry, or she may want you to let her outside. By taking note of your cat’s cues, you’ll understand it more.
Watch kittens around kids. Under five, the child needs to be watched. They are just not mature enough to understand the danger they can pose for the kitten. As kids age, you can then determine whether they are mature enough for small pets.
Scratching Post
Keep you cat’s old scratching post even if it is beginning to look worn. It may not look as nice, but cats love a scratching post with some wear and tear. If you replace it with something new, your pet might seek out something a little more worn to scratch – like your furniture.
Purchase a drinking fountain for your cat. Cats out in the wild like to drink from running water, so they would like that at home too. Cats generally respond better to a stream of water. In fact, the running water in a sink garnishes more attention from a cat than their water bowl usually does. Drinking fountains are more environmentally-friendly and they let your cat drink naturally.
If you want your cat to live a long, healthy life, be sure he gets his shots when he is supposed to an take him for a yearly check-up. A kitten is not so different from a child. It needs properly-scheduled check-ups and immunizations to prevent medical complications down the road. You love your cat, so take the best care of him as possible.
Put a breakaway collar on a cat with an engraved tag. This is also true for indoor cats. It is possible that the animal might accidentally venture out of your home. Should this occur, your cat can be returned to you or someone can contact you with his whereabouts.
There are certain foods that you might eat everyday that are not healthy for your cat. Common foods that are poisonous to cats include: garlic, grapes, onions and tomatoes. Allowing your cat to eat even a few bites may cause serious illness or even death. Milk can also upset your cats’ stomach.
Never use chemicals that have phenol in it near your cat. Pine-Sol and Lysol contain this ingredient. Cats hate the smell, and it can do sever damage to a cat’s liver if left near it for prolonged periods.
You can now work against those stray cats and defend your residence. This article’s advice will point you in the right direction, so use it well. Keep in mind that all cats are very sensitive and require a lot of care. Do your best to be a considerate and responsible cat owner.