Cats are wonderful pets. They’re great because they’re able to take care of themselves mostly. Apply the wonderful cat advice in this piece and make certain you have a happy and healthy cat.
Your cat will want to climb into small spaces. If they have a collar on, this can be dangerous. If your pet is wearing a breakaway collar, it’ll detach if it’s pulled too hard. Using this collar will prevent your cat from injuring itself.
If your cat is female, then ensure you spay her as soon as you can. You may believe that this is unnecessary if your cat stays inside all the time; however, cats almost always find a way to get outside, especially when they are in heat. When this occurs, your cat could get pregnant. Spaying the feline is really the optimal way of dealing with this.
Spraying the electrical cords in your home with a bitter apple solution helps keep the cats from chewing on them. Keep your cords covered if you feel like your cat is hellbent on chewing them. Any loose cords should be bundled up and placed in things like paper towel rolls. Put away electronics that have tempting, thin cords when you’re not using them.
Create a little tablecloth for your cat. Some cats like removing food from their bowl and eating it beside their bowl. That can mean a bigger mess for you to clean. Use a placemat under your cat’s bowl or cut some fabric to create a small tablecloth. Shake the placemat or cloth over the garbage regularly.
When you get a kitten for kids, you have to set up a few rules first. Let your children know what rooms you will allow the cat to go into. They should know that indoor cats can’t go outside. By making the rules well known to your children, your children will understand what is and is not allowed.
Cats love being up high. For a truly happy cat, provide a safe place for your cat to survey his surroundings. You can give your cat on a shelf to accomplish this. Putting a soft cat bed on the shelf can help to add a little comfort.
Cats may make a small mess outside their litter box. Most of the time when this happens, it is because you are not taking proper care of the box. Your cat will become afraid of you if you punish it or scold it too often.
Take time to train your cat to go into a car carrier. You have to take a different approach to training a cat rather than a dog. Cats are much more responsive to positive interaction rather than negative. You should place a toy or a blanket inside the carrier and place it in an area where it will be noticed by your cat. Cats are natural explorers and sooner or later he will check it out. Once the cat is comfortable with the carrier, you can transport it easily.
Purchase a drinking fountain for your cat. When cats are in the wild they tend to prefer water that is running when they are thirsty, this applies to cats at home. Cats will respond more positively to streams of water. In fact, some cats prefer running sink water to their own water bowls. A fountain will allow your cat to drink like he or she is in the wild.
Your cat’s choice to potty outside the litter box could signal something more worrisome than misbehavior. There are a number of medical issues that can cause your cat to suddenly stop using their box. A UTI or kidney infection may be the reason for its bathroom problems. Call the vet if your cat refuses to use the litter box.
Make sure you provide adequate space to a cat that is about to give birth. The birth process can last up to four hours, which means you must exercise patience. If you suspect that there are more kittens inside your cat and it has been six hours of labor or more, you should take your cat to the veterinarian immediately.
Give the cat a collar with your contact information. This is also true for indoor cats. It is possible that the animal might accidentally venture out of your home. If that happens, you want to be sure that there is a way for them to make it back home.
Some foods that you like to consume daily might not be good for your cat to eat. Never allow your cat to nibble on garlic, onions or green tomatoes. Grapes, which seem harmless enough, are also a no-no. If your cat eats these things, they could become very sick. Milk can too. It can give your cat stomach pains.
Keep an eye out for panting. For dogs, panting is completely normal. Panting could mean your cat is dehydrated or nervous, but it could also be a sign of a serious issue. Be sure to call your vet, particularly if your pet has suffered from respiratory issues.
It’s good to keep your cat well fed, but overfeeding can cause a number of health problems. An obese cat is at a high risk for health issues. Keep your cat eating healthy and consistent at all times.
Cats are great to have as pets because they’re smart and can find things to do on their own. Without learning about the sort of care your pet requires, though, there’s no way you can be a truly responsible cat owner. Use the information you have learned in this article as a guide to communicating better with your cat. This can help your cat enjoy a greater life.