Unlock The Secrets Of Being A Great Dog Owner

A dog is a very loving pet and who makes a great companion for any person. They are great family pets that provide a companionship for everyone. To provide your dog with the life they deserve, read on.

Since dogs cannot talk, you’ll need to learn about your dog’s way of communication. If your dog gets stressed when meeting a new dog or person, don’t force them to meet. If you do, someone may get hurt. Look for your dog’s non verbal cues and react accordingly.

Be careful with canine flea treatments. Some treatments contain dangerous ingredients that may put your kids at risk for diseases like cancer. Talk to the vet about different forms of treatment that are safer for use around small kids.

If your puppy or dog is constantly chewing up your furniture, invest in some chew-toys. Scatter them around the floor, especially around the legs of the sofa and end-tables. Be enthusiastic about your offers to play with the chewies with your dog to encourage frequent use. This should eventually deter him from chomping your furniture.

Always be prepared to pick up after your dog with a scoop and bag. Although most people think that this is simply a polite thing to do so that others don’t step in it, your dog’s excrement is actually hazardous!

It contains a bacterium that can contaminate local supplies when it washes through to ground water.


If your dog gets lost, it is very unlikely that you will see him again unless he has proper identification. Tags can come off, so the best option is a microchip. It is quick to put in your dog, and it causes minimal discomfort. Simply register the chip ID after it is put in, and your pet will always have his identification with him.

When giving your dog a bath, make sure that you only put on shampoo that is intended for canines. Using lukewarm water, get the entire body wet and then begin applying the shampoo to their face, working your way down their body. Wait a few minutes and then take a washcloth and wipe off the suds from your pet’s face. Wash off the rest of the shampoo as well.

Do you have a “wrinkly” dog, like a bulldog? If so, you have to be conscientious about the grooming process in order to help keep your pet clean. After you brush, take a baby wipe and use it to get in between the folds on their body. Make sure, though, to get them fully dry after doing so.

Pet boarding and day-care services are a billion dollar business, so make sure you get your money’s worth if you have to leave home without your dog. Although kennels offer interesting opportunities to socialize, your dog will be happier with familiar surroundings. Thoroughly check references for a sitter-service and keep him in his own home if at all possible. Otherwise, put him in a reputable kennel and check up on him oft

Owning a dog involves following through on quite a few responsibilities. It’s much more than simply feeding and walking him. You should be aware of how to properly take care of your dog. Then you and your pet can have a long and happy life together.